Category Archive: Performances

60 Seconds of Solitude in Year Zero

60 Seconds of Solitude in Year Zero

60 film-makers, from around the world, were asked to create a 1-minute short film and cinematic love letters to 35mm film as a dying artistic …


Gold Panda ‘Marriage’ live at Koko

Gold Panda ‘Marriage’ live at Koko

Paul Bridgewater and Sebastien Dehesdin put together this lovely glimpse into the Gold Panda show at Koko Camden in London, and you can see some …


Gold Panda Tour October 2011

Gold Panda Tour October 2011

(photo above by Paul Bridgewater) On tour at the moment with Gold Panda! Touring UK, Norway and US with Gold Panda with the 200 LED light …


Audible Approaches – Live

Audible Approaches – Live

Our release Audible Approaches For A Better Place came out this month and to celebrate we are uploading videos of the evening of live performances …


Egress, WaterMusic, and

Egress, WaterMusic, and

Haven’t updated this blog due to working and preparing new projects, performances, debuts and other fun stuff. This Saturday, Glitterbug and I will premier our new …




ENGLISH version GERMAN version I created the video above for the HKW Lokal concert series at the Haus der Kulturn der Welt as part of the …


Audible Approaches for a Better Place

Audible Approaches for a Better Place

Glitterbug and myself are venturing into our next exciting project/performance/release (yes, all in one!) titled “Audible Approaches For A Better Place”, which is exactly as …


India 2010

India 2010

Glitterbug and I returned to Bombay this December for performances, screenings and discussions hosted by the Mumbai Goethe Institute and co-organized by the great folks …


Don Giovanni footage

Don Giovanni footage

(the photo above was taken from the Cologne Opera’s website, credit: Forster) As I wrote in a previous post, I spent June working for the new …


Diskjokke Band

Diskjokke Band

Just got back from 10 days in the ever-stunning land of Norway. Amidst our performances, mountain getaway, hiking and traveling, I also got the chance …